All The Dead Cats In My House

Just the other night I saw a new cat spirit on my back porch. I looked over and an all-gray, Russian Blue cat was sitting on my laundry machine. It turned to look at me over its left shoulder. I did a double take and then nothing was there. I always make sure to check that this isn't a case of Pareidolia (a psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to a stimulus, usually an image by perceiving a familiar pattern where none exists, e.g. seeing objects in clouds or shadows, etc.) For some reason, I knew that this cat was the one who left pawprints in the concrete floor of the back porch. The house was built in 1926, and the laundry room was added sometime in the 1980s. Ever since I moved into this house I’ve looked at the paw prints in the concrete (there are dog paw prints too) and wondered about who made them.

The other cats I see regularly are my blind cat Beulah, my Siamese Bink, and my tabby Bebe. I see their little gray forms scooting through my halls from time to time. Each of these cats died in this house. For some reason, they are still here, or maybe they like to come back and visit me. There is nothing scary about them. It makes me happy to see them again.


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