Recent Shadow Man

The most recent shadow person I've seen was standing in front of a full-length mirror in our living room. I was turning off the lights for the night. I was expecting to see my reflection in the mirror when I turned the lights off and my eyes adjusted to the dark, but instead saw nothing but blackness. That’s when I realized what I was looking at. His whole form was rather rectangular and stretched from the floor almost to the ceiling, maybe seven feet, and curved slightly to the left/his right. He evaporated a few seconds after I recognized what I was staring at. I've only seen shadow people in our back bedroom and on one side of our house before that. 

I’ve always felt that there was a line that divides the house in two: the original foundation and the added-on rooms. The add-on side of the house is where all the weird energy is: the laundry room, back bedroom, and the large walk-in closet in the master bedroom. But this most recent shadow person was on the original foundation. That was unusual. I think this presence might be tied to an Oceanic mother goddess figure I have in the front room. It used to be in the back bedroom, but I moved it into the living room. Will test theory further.

But the one thing I knew for sure: I need to bless the house again. I don't want shadow people in the house. I got out the sage, salt, eagle feather, oils and went to work. Haven’t seen the figure for a while now.

Here's the hand-carved statue:


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